Family, Friends & Furry Friends: Top 10 Ideas and Solutions
August 31, 20212 min read
Would You Like to Phone A Friend? [Call List]
The Anti-Social Media
Pick a Nice Place to make the calls
Walk and talk
Calls from a Café or Beach – Philz, Better Buzz, Darshan
Zoom, Zoom! [Call List]
Only really works if people trust (“HOW”) each other – that’s why AA works
Non AA Structure – last week, next week, praise
Other Hangout Apps?
Progressive Parenting: N-Opoids
What's Your Love Language?
Changing People: 4 Agreements
Passion Project – What is your motivation? [Create this Framework / The Clare Method]
What are the things you want in someone?
Looks / Characteristics
Do they love themselves?
Do you have the characteristics of the person you want?
Opposites Attract, Similarities and Mismatches
Do you love yourself?
Don’t Date – Do what makes sense
Don’t fall into societies norms – do what makes sense for you two
What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate
Assertive Communication (vs Aggressive, Passive-Aggressive and Passive)
Body Language – The Other 50% [Smiling]
Questions / Don’t Make Assumptions
Praise every improvement. People love to receive praise and admiration. If we truly want someone to improve at something, we must praise their every advance. "Abilities wither under criticism, they blossom under encouragement."
Ask questions instead of giving direct orders. Let the other person save face. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.”
Are You Genuinely Listening?
Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. The easiest way to become a good conversationalist is to become a good listener. To be a good listener, we must actually care about what people have to say. Many times people don't want an entertaining conversation partner; they just want someone who will listen to them.
Become genuinely interested in other people. "You can make more friends in two months by being interested in them, than in two years by making them interested in you.” The only way to make quality, lasting friendships is to learn to be genuinely interested in them and their interests.
Talks Most, Says Least
Say My Name, Say My Name: Persons Name
Let The Other Person Keep Their Pride / That’s Pride F****** With You!
Let the other person save face. Nothing diminishes the dignity of a man quite like an insult to his pride. If we don't condemn our employees in front of others and allow them to save face, they will be motivated to do better in the future and confident that they can.
The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. Whenever we argue with someone, no matter if we win or lose the argument, we still lose. The other person will either feel humiliated or strengthened and will only seek to bolster their own position. We must try to avoid arguments whenever we can.
Don’t Criticize, Condemn or Complain
Avoid Negative People
Furry Friends
Dogs Do It – And they are happy (Love, Honest Communication, Genuine Listening, Don’t Complain)